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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Few Aspects of Relationships.

We can see that relationships happen provided under certain conditions. If we are ready to discuss and accept our past and future with clear and proper communication. If we are truthful and faithful. If each others future expectations match together, being like minded with a similar principles and purpose of life. If we feel internally with optimism that we are not going to break the relationship regardless of any circumstantial situations. If we believe, understand and have faith in ourselves. If we conclude that we stand together as one, no matter what may come to break us. If we decide to take joint decisions with proper understanding and analysis of issues. We need a determination that under any circumstances we cannot break once the decision is made and the relationship is materialized in real life situation. If we got to make a decision in relationships then a physical communication is a must, without which relationships cannot materialize. Open and straightforward discussion and analysis are very necessary for relationships to materialize. If each other appreciate the ideas, principles and values of life which create the attitudes of individual personality.

Its a constructive effort to create good things with prayers and blessings. Its the compassion, brotherhood, faith and belief to achieve a meaningful purpose in life. It would be a fantastic venture, if we can create something beautiful by joining hands. Great ideas are appreciated only when they are expressed. Open dialogs with transparency is the key to teamwork. Strong relationships are possible with constructive appreciation and proper planning. Quality is too important, as Quantity is appreciated only when it has Quality. To create Quality we definitely need innovative personalities who can dream of optimism. Who can visualize clean and clear conceptual planning. Who have the experience of creating unique things with perfection. Who can establish the confidence of hope in reality. Who can have a strong faith and belief in stability and growth. Good things will happen only when we appreciate great ideas. Lets confess, seek and pray to achieve our humble objectives. Its a collective effort to create and resolve issues peacefully. We tend to carve our personalities with the company of friends we create.

If you are at ease with yourself, everyone will be at ease with you.
Be natural and be simple. Relationships develop naturally.
You like others to be honest, open, & natural with you.
That is exactly what others also want from you.

A small spark enlightens the lamp for guidance.
The same small spark can even destroy the creation.
May lord bless his creation, with his wisdom of creation.
All BIG things start with a SMALL first step.

"WE" has More Power than "I". Please leave a comment if you encounter any problems or have any suggestions.

Read: Peace

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